Spring Boot has an interesting capability that I haven't discovered till very recently when going through Spring Cloud Function project source code - it can scan for components - meaning go through classpath to find beans - even for classes that are not annotated with any of the Spring stereotype annotations like @Component
, @Service
, @Repository
, @Controller
or @Configuration
annotation - that can be placed on any @Configuration
class (including the main @SpringBootApplication
annotated class) - can be configured with a filter that instead of looking for typical Spring annotations, looks for specific Java types.
In the following example, Spring will scan for components in package functions
that implement java.util.Function
basePackages = "functions",
includeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(
type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE,
classes = Function.class
public class MyApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MyApp.class, args);
Such configuration make it possible to scan for classes from a Spring unaware 3rd party jar
without defining beans with @Bean
annotation. Or it can save you from defining @Bean
s in configuration classes in case you want to keep your beans free from Spring classes or annotations.
Spring Cloud Function gives you exactly this option - you can define classes of type Function
, Supplier
or Consumer
in a functions
package, without annotating them with Spring annotations, and they will be registered as beans in the container.
While it is not useful in the great majority of regular applications I find it quite interesting and potentially useful when developing something more advanced or less typical than regular Spring Boot application.